Board Minutes (2016-12-20)

Minutes for December 20, 2016 Governance Board Meeting


Opened in Prayer at 7:10 p.m.


In attendance:

Governance Board Members - Bill Birk, Wayne VanderVelde, Dale Brauer, Bev Rauch, Ken Lash, Jeff Floerke

Senior Pastor - Pr. Paul Strand

Senior Leadership Team - Mistee Plattner


Governance Board Members - Tim Griffin



Minutes of November 29, 2016 meeting were accepted.

Audit Report:

Bill Birk reported for that a meeting with Jeff Schroeder, Auditor has been set up for January 4, 2016 at 9:00 AM.

Financial Report:

The Financial Report was discussed and what is in place for improving the current financial position. Request was made that last year’s figures for revenue and expenditures be included as in the past. Question on Lutheran Hour Charities being a budgeted item. It was not included and may be a pass through account.

Policy Monitoring Report:

Monitoring reports for 3.3,3.6, and 3.7 were discussed. Wayne shared data that was received through Google reports. All interpretations should come from Sr. Pastor not Trinity. In future, Wayne will send us a Google doc for each policy being monitored and all Governance Board members will comment by the appropriate deadline. Wayne will summarize the results and bring to meeting. This months report on 3.4 is due by Jan. 13.

Senior Pastor's Report:

Pastor discussed the written report he submitted.

Nominating Committee Report:

Bill Birk reported the committee would be meeting in January to set up the timeline.


Strategic Direction Review:

Since the Strategic Direction is written up as Policy, we would review it like the other Policies. Pastor did not feel that was appropriate and suggested we discuss with John Holm.

Delta Sonic Direction:

Delta Sonic Direction was discussed and questions about who is responsible for presenting the educational presentation at the town hall meetings. Pastor suggested again that we discuss with John Holm.

Employee Handbook:

Mistee was advised to have legal expertise review the handbook.

Discussion of Retreat Date and Purpose:

It was decided Wayne would reach out to John Holm for dates in January when we could meet with him and discuss Strategic direction and Clarification of Staff /Governance Board responsibilities for that and Town Hall meetings.


Future Board Meeting Dates:

Future meeting dates were set for Tuesdays’ at 7:00 p.m. on January 24, February 21, and March 21. March Voters Assembly will be Sunday March 5, and financial reports due by February 17.


Executive session followed with The Board members and Pastor Strand


Meeting was adjourned with prayer at 9:55 p.m.

Prior Meeting