Board Minutes (2017-03-21)

Minutes for March 21, 2017 Governance Board Meeting


Pastor Strand opened with devotion at 7:05


In attendance:

Governance Board Members - Bill Birk, Dale Brauer, Jeff Floerke, Bev Rauch, Ken Lash, Wayne VanderVelde

Senior Pastor - Pr. Paul Strand

Senior Leadership Team - Mistee Plattner


Erica Petro



Minutes of the February 21, 2017 meeting were accepted with addition of 2017-2018 proposed budget to Pastor’s report.

Financial Report:

The Financial Reports that were discussed included proposed Budget, backup material, Low and High Variance reports.

Policy Monitoring Report:

The Monitoring Report for Policy 3.3 and 3.4 were received for review.

Nominating Committee Report:

Still waiting for additional nominations till March 27, 2017. Review of Constitution shows only one woman can be elected this year as the Board must have a majority of men and already have 2 women serving.

Audit Report:

Contract has not been received from audit firm and Bill and Mistee will follow up on status.

Senior Pastor's Report:

Pastor Strand's report included:

  • Volunteer Booklet has been handed out to appropriate councils and Ministry teams for review
  • Discussion of possibilities for Music Ministry next year.
  • Drew Denlinger came in to give a report on Live-streaming and current media goals including website refresh with video, church apps, blogs, more accessibility to Fireside chats, and more theatrical mini movies of life experiences. Live streaming would be done at contemporary and traditional service. Still considering all the requirements to make it happen.


Delta Sonic:

Wayne VanderVelde shared a set of questions and answers to share with the Delta Sonic Work Group. Mistee is waiting response from Delta Sonic to questions that came up at that meeting. It was decided to include the names of those who have been at any of the meetings to the document being presented to the congregation before the town hall meetings scheduled for Thursday, April 27 at 7:00 p.m., Sundays April 23rd, and April 30th at 12:15.. Mistee will send a reminder to the Work group for the March 22 meeting with the question and answer sheet attached

Strategic Direction:

Board, Staff and Councils should get together to review Trinity's Strategic Direction as a team. Each Advisory Council should have two representatives to be available for a May 17 meeting to help determine specific goals and measurements for the Strategic direction. Pastor/Mistee will coordinate getting this group through the Leadership Team. Later on a larger group will plan the action items to reach those goals. Dale suggested that our document should be a clearly written one page of goals with many pages of implementation.


Voters' Assembly:

  • Review included concern over packet. For the May meeting every approved report should be emailed to Bev Rauch by April 25 (our next meeting) so any final changes or additions can be made in a timely manner. The Packet needs to be out congregation by May 7. Bev will coordinate the order and printing of the packet as well as forwarding it to Wayne for including on our website.. Any additional information that comes in after the packet is run will be held and distributed at the meeting.
  • Because of the importance of the May meeting, Bev will request a special email be sent to the Congregation before April 9 of the way to become a Voter prior to the May meeting. Also because of the 2/3 requirement for Quorum, for voting on the Sale of property, Bev will request that a special reminder email be sent out to the Voters.


Proposed 2017-2018 budget was reviewed and Mistee volunteered to present the budget at the Voters meeting. Suggested she have an answer sheet attached with the questions that will be asked. (Any change in staff, etc.)

Future Board Meeting Dates:

Upcoming Governance Board Meetings were scheduled for Tuesday April 25, Tues, May 23, and Wed. June 28th at 7:00 pm. In addition, there will be the Town Hall meetings on April 23, 27, and April 30th as well as the Strategic Direction meeting on May 17.


Meeting closed with Lord's Prayer at 9:50 p.m.

Prior Meeting